Letter: Democratic Writer Out of Touch With Reality

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To the Editor:

Let me start by saying that I have zero expectations that this will be published on iBerkshires because any messages against the favored leftist narrative are not allowed on your platform.

After reading his letter to the editor entitled "Contrast Between Parties," I'm struggling to determine if Michael Wise is merely out of touch with reality or if he's intentionally attempting to gaslight people. My guess is that it's the latter.

He claims that "Only one of our national political parties cares anymore about good government," and asserts that is the Democrats. Is our wide-open southern border an example of that "good government?" What about the skyrocketing inflation that continues to grip our economy due to the Biden admin's reckless spending? Or is the rampant crime and homelessness in blue cities now made worse by surging illegal alien populations? Or the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? Or the spectacle of our clearly diminished president stumbling and bumbling through his presidency? Or is our affirmative action VP spewing another meaningless word salad while waiting in the wings for an obviously frail octogenarian to break a hip? Or the weaponization of our intelligence agencies and DOJ against political rivals? That's good government?

Then there's the biggest whopper of them all: President Joe Biden, like President Obama, is running a no-scandal administration.

A no-scandal administration? Joe Biden is facing an impeachment inquiry for the blatant corruption he engaged in with his son Hunter and his brother James. Polls show that 60-70 percent of Americans think that Joe is dirty. His family clearly took money from China, Ukraine, Romania, and others. That's the biggest of many scandals. What about his mishandling of classified documents which the special counsel labeled as "willful," only escaping prosecution because Hur thought Biden demonstrated diminished mental capacity? That's not a scandal? How about Biden's DOJ labeling concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists? Are these not scandals?

I won't even get into the myriad of scandals from the Obama admin. Lois Lerner anyone? Fast and furious? Benghazi? Hillary's email server? Iran nuclear deal? Solyndra? The list goes on and on, no matter what Mr. Wise would like you to believe.

Mr. Wise assumes of course that the good Democrats of Berkshire County only consume news from the mainstream media aka the narrative-spewing lap dogs of the Democrat party like ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, WaPo, MSNBC, CNN, etc. That's why they won't be able to determine that his letter is packed full of lies on their own. It's not a surprising tactic from a leftist like Mr. Wise. He knows he truly can't tout the Biden admin's accomplishments, because there are none, so he resorts to attacking the opposition while relying on the easily duped Democratic base to be uncurious about the facts.

Allen Jezouit
Chicopee, Mass, formerly of Williamstown



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Williamstown Planners OK Preliminary Habitat Plan

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Planning Board on Tuesday agreed in principle to most of the waivers sought by Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity to build five homes on a Summer Street parcel.
But the planners strongly encouraged the non-profit to continue discussions with neighbors to the would-be subdivision to resolve those residents' concerns about the plan.
The developer and the landowner, the town's Affordable Housing Trust, were before the board for the second time seeking an OK for the preliminary subdivision plan. The goal of the preliminary approval process is to allow developers to have a dialogue with the board and stakeholders to identify issues that may come up if and when NBHFH brings a formal subdivision proposal back to the Planning Board.
Habitat has identified 11 potential waivers from the town's subdivision bylaw that it would need to build five single-family homes and a short access road from Summer Street to the new quarter-acre lots on the 1.75-acre lot the trust purchased in 2015.
Most of the waivers were received positively by the planners in a series of non-binding votes.
One, a request for relief from the requirement for granite or concrete monuments at street intersections, was rejected outright on the advice of the town's public works directors.
Another, a request to use open drainage to manage stormwater, received what amounted to a conditional approval by the board. The planners noted DPW Director Craig Clough's comment that while open drainage, per se, is not an issue for his department, he advised that said rain gardens not be included in the right of way, which would transfer ownership and maintenance of said gardens to the town.
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